
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's" McQueening" Outside

I guess while we lived in Virginia Evan was never awake to see a full thunderstorm (the good storms always seem to be in the middle of the night back east), or at least wasn't old enough to mentally process a thunderstorm.

Today, we went to our first play date at a really cool park called Mission Hills. After about two hours of fun, surprisingly, it started to rain really hard and thunder. I told Evan that he needed to get off of the playground and get ready to go because there was thunder and lightening. He then proceeded to run around and tell the other kids, "Hurry! It's McQueening outside!" At first I didn't understand what he was saying but then soon realized that he was taking the world lightening and making it McQueening in honor of his favorite Cars character:)

I'm talking real coyotes. Just the other day, Brian was mentioning that he hasn't really seen any wildlife since moving to Nevada - there is usually a bird here and there, but nothing special. I woke at 2:30am last night/this morning because I was startled by a sound. I couldn't pinpoint what it was so of course I woke up Brian and made him walk around the house/look outside to make sure that there weren't any intruders. When he looked out our front window, he almost had to look twice because there were between 8 and 10 coyotes outside of our house running through the playground. I started freaking out and worrying but Brian has assured me that the coyotes are scared of humans and they come out mostly at night. I asked him how he knows they just come out at night and he told me that it is way too hot here and if they are smart coyotes they'll stay in their den all day. I guess I'll have to worry a little bit more when it cools off here!

Medical Update - Ronald or Rhonda?
Brian started his human dissection in anatomy two weeks ago. As part of respect for their patient, each group is to name their body. Brian's group was given a man around 250 lbs. in his 70's who apparently died of Alzheimer's - whom they named Ronald. The past two weeks, the group has been working on dissecting the back of the body. Just yesterday, they turned the body over to begin the dissection of the pectoral muscles. When they turned the body over, they were surprised to find not a man - but a woman who they now refer to as Rhonda. The teacher was confused and said that the body must of been a bi-gender because the label was clearly a man. After further investigation (calling Texas where the body was shipped from), it was clarified that their body is in fact a woman who died of lung failure. As the group started to dissect, it was also discovered that the woman died of breast cancer and cancer in her lymph nodes. Brian and I watch a lot of mystery diagnosis on Discovery Health these days so while this was a confusing issue, he felt like he had his very own mystery diagnosis case just three weeks into medical school :)

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