
Friday, July 30, 2010

Getting Oriented

Brian left this morning early for pre-orientation. I guess you know that you are setting out on quite the educational endeavor when you have to get "pre-oriented" for orientation.

This was my first day "alone" - at least alone with the kids. We have all become quite accustomed to having Brian with us most of the day since his classes were mostly in the evening for graduate school, so it will be an adjustment for all involved.

On the bright side, we are ALL getting oriented.

I can officially drive myself around and get myself where I need to be without using the navigation system, which means landmarks are becoming more familiar to me because I do not do the whole north, south, east, west thing. The kids are getting more oriented as well. They are enjoying their new house, new pool, and playground. Although I am sure they would enjoy it more if they had their cousins near by to enjoy it with them - but that is what vacation is for, right?? (hint, hint, come visit).

Our biggest accomplishment since moving to Nevada is that I have put the kids in the SAME bedroom and it has been going great. Both of my kids are really light sleepers and seemed to always wake up at the same time from naps and in the morning so I figured it wouldn't hurt to have them in the same room and at least save on space so that I can have a guest room (I have been told you get a lot of visitors when you live near the Las Vegas strip). Surprisingly, the kids have gotten better and aren't such light sleepers anymore, or at least they know how to tune each other out. I am also enjoying knowing they are in the room together and not all by themselves in a dark bedroom at night.


  1. Anything past the Strip is the West side of town. Towards California is Southwest. Going towards Arizona/Boulder City is southeast. Does that help at all? :)

  2. Thanks Lindzie - this will come in handy!! Miss ya!
