Last night we took the kids to the ward trunk or treat at our church. I wasn't sure if I was going to take them out tonight because we didn't get home from church until 4pm, they were already tired, and Brian was going to be gone studying so he wouldn't be home to go with us. I decided to bite the bullet and went out with my neighbor Cheryl and her kids. We walked over to another one of our friends house, Marisa, and headed out to trick or treat. The first house we went to was Thomas Keller's house - the famous chef who owns French Laundry - look him up. I was pleasantly surprised by how much the kids got into the trick or treating. I still thought Evan would be a little young to appreciate it, but he was walking ahead of me and taking himself to each door, ringing the bell, and doing the deal. At one house, the lady said "what do you say?" - (i.e..trick or treat) and Evan responded with a stern, "fill it up" - it was awesome and embarrassing all at the same time. Last night the boys were both Spiderman and tonight Evan was Iron Man and Owen was probably the cutest blue monster I have ever seen. His costume had a little tail on the back and when he walked it would wag - there is nothing cuter than a baby in a costume. Owen was actually going from to each door and saying trick or treat AND thank you - progress!
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