My brother is in town visiting right now and one of the ongoing conversations we have been having over the past 24 hours is the concept of time. We were discussing how time seems to go so slow moving forward but looking back it is amazing how fast time really goes - almost scary sometimes. We then compared that idea to dreams - you can be asleep and feel like you were dreaming a detailed scenario for hours when really it was only a matter of seconds or minutes. When I logged onto facebook tonight, in the upper right hand corner it pulled an old photo that I had loaded of my niece Holly and I couldn't believe how little she was in the picture! I started looking through old pictures and found a few of Mae and Evan when Courtney and Mike came to visit us in Utah a few years ago and my heart melted - they were so tiny and cute! (see the pictures above). I can't believe how much they have grown and that Evan will be three years old next month - it is crazy!
Potty Training Update - Working Backwards
Evan has been waking up dry for the past several mornings and goes potty on the toilet as soon as he wakes up and then wants nothing to do with the process the rest of the day, which means I can't force him and which definitely means there is no way he is going to tell me when he needs to go potty. I am trying to potty train him, not potty train myself so it seems worthless to just keep sitting him on the toilet if he doesn't want to go. BUT I can't complain - I have heard the night training is usually the hard part and the last step so I am getting it out of the way in the beginning and the day time routine will hopefully come next:)
Medical Updates
Brian is doing great - loving school. He is amazed at how much he is already retaining and/or things that he has remembered from previous classes during his undergrad and graduate degree. It will definitely be challenging at times but I think his dedication and excitement/appreciation for just having the opportunity to attend medical school will and is already paying off. We are almost at the end of our second week as a med school family - 2 weeks down - 2 years to go (until rotations, and then residency...etc....etc.).
Fake Tickets
My mom has been laughing at me lately because I get travel updates from Travelocity on airfare prices so i go in and make up fake trips for her to come see me and then call her and tell her what date she will be leaving and returning on a flight that isn't even happening - this may seem strange but is possibly paying off because she told me tonight that she may try to come visit at the end of September! My make pretend travel agent job is working out (hint, hint - book the ticket MOM).
Big Boy Bed - or No Big Boy Bed? That is the question.
As I sit here and write this blog post, I can hear Evan kicking the side of his crib. This wouldn't bother me too much except for the fact that Owen sleeps about two feet away from him and has had to fall asleep lately to the sound of someone hammering. I feel like it might be time to get Evan a big boy bed, but I am not sure if it is going to make bedtime harder or easier. If you read this blog and have any insight on the right time, how to make it a smooth transition, or tips and tricks - leave a comment. I could use the feedback!
okay you asked for advice so i'm going to give it - if he is still napping and/or doesn't bail out of the crib, i would leave him in it as long as possible. i did the transition too early w/ #1 and totally regretted it. although 3 is definitely old enough, just prepare for no naps, wandering toddler, and early morning visitors in your bed!
ReplyDeleteAs of the big boy bed...
ReplyDeleteWe put Aaron in a toddler bed at 19months. He was and still is awesome. To this day, he will not get out of his now twin bed without asking. I love it! Now, the reason he is in a twin is because we decided to move Cole to the toddler bed because he was starting to lean so much over the edge of the crib, his body weight almost made him tip over. So back to the story, I feel that moving Cole to a toddler bed at 20months was a HUGE mistake. For "punishment" for him getting out of his bed once, he gets put in the crib, which is still up in their room, but facing backwards so the high part is in the front. He can't seem to figure out how to get out of it now. I wish I had never introduced the toddler bed and would have just thought about turning the crib around.
My advice, GOOD LUCK! Oh, Cole's reason to get out of bed is not to play or come find Michael or I, it's to read books. I feel bad, but the kid needs his sleep more than he needs to look at the pictures of some Dr. Seuss book for the umpteenth time.
*sorry so long*
I'd put him in a bed. Three is definitely old enough; it's time to get him thinking about being a "big boy." And if you have the nighttime dryness taken care of, it's not going to take long for him to get the hang of it during the day. Throw a few Cheerios in the toilet and tell him to "sink the boats."