It has officially been one month since we moved to Henderson, Nevada. Time has gone by fast, but at the same time I feel like I have been here for six months - which means time is going slow, right? This week, to say the least, was challenging. My brother left so I was flying solo all week with my two little men. It was also a really hot week - I don't think it was ever under 100 degrees, even at 7am. On Thursday, my car wouldn't start because apparently my battery went out. This wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that two hours prior to the car not starting, we were actually out in the car and Owen threw up everywhere - inside the car. Anyone with kids knows that there is nothing worse than a car seat full of throw up. Friday - the car wouldn't start again and after 10 phone calls with Hyundai, a tow truck company, and my mom for venting, we have a new battery in our car and its running like a gem:) Brian's sister Katharina came in town last night for a visit, which was really fun. Katharina's little boy Ben is Evan's age and it was fun to see the boys play together.
Well enough about my week - on to better. I know that I love to look at other's people blogs and gaze at their pictures. So in honor of my one month mark in Vegas - this is my picture post with little updates from our life story....in the desert - enjoy!