We returned home last night from a trip to Fresno, California. Brian's mother has cancer so we went to visit and I stayed while he came back to Nevada so that I could help drive his brother around to work and errands since his mother can't drive right now due to nerve damage. While it was hard to see Brian's mom sick, and hard to be away from Brian, it was really enjoyable to spend some quality time with his family. Usually when we see them it is a holiday which means a lot of people and really hectic. It was so nice to have some one on one time and let the kids get to know their grandparents a little better. Brian's mom (Maxine) is really an inspiring woman to be around. She has been suffering on and off with Cancer since Brian was in the 2nd grade and I think that she is the definition of a true fighter. While cancer may be rid throughout her body, she isn't and hasn't given up. She keeps on moving. When her right hand stopped working correctly, she was determined to learn to write with her left hand. She has such a positive outlook on life and is just a truly genuine woman. It made me think more about my life and how to maximize my potential as a wife and a mother.
In general, I always enjoy Fresno. If it wasn't so far from my family, I could live there. It was so nice to wake up in the morning and be able to go for a long run when it was only 55 to 60 degrees and then by afternoon it would be in the 90s and you could go swimming. The main road out of Brian's neighborhood is gorgeous. The homes are huge and they have awesome landscaping and mature trees. I told Brian's sister Becky it looks like the Secret Garden on steroids, so beautiful.
Evan William turned three years old today. I can't believe that it has already been three years. Time truly flies when you are having fun, are busy out of your mind, and sleep deprived 90 percent of the time. Honestly, I can't complain. Evan is such a joy. He has quite the personality and is quite funny. Now that he is three years old, Brian and I enjoy watching him learn and discover the world around him, as well as the dynamics of road rage and occasionally a few curse words.
It might sound pathetic, but before moving to Las Vegas, one of the things that made me cry the most was thinking about Evan's birthday and how he probably wouldn't have enough friends yet to constitute having a birthday party. He has such a close relationship with his cousins that it was hard to think about moving somewhere where he wouldn't have the same type of relationships. However, I was determined to make it a good birthday for him. We woke up this morning and opened his gifts from his Grandma and Grandpa Jones, Namom and Grand dad, and the Miska family. Shortly after, we went and got the mail and he got a Spider-man b-day card from his cousin Mae and an awesome Spider-man shirt from his Aunt Lauren and Uncle McKay. Then we went and got bagels at Einstein Bagels - his favorite spot and were off to Target to get him the Batman Cave with the gift card that Namom sent in his package. After a lazy afternoon of cartoons and chocolate milk, we had dinner at Chili's and red velvet cake - which he calls Spider-man cake because it is read. I think the highlight of the evening was when we were outside in a parking lot this evening and it smelled of sewage. Evan looked at Brian and said "Daddy, it smells like a giant fart out here - smells like stinky poop" . He then proceeded to ask a stranger if they smelled the fart outside....so funny. To top it off, on the way home, Brian's dad called to wish Evan a happy birthday and once I closed the cell phone I sat it in the cup holder. When we got home, I realized that Brian had put Evan's chocolate shake in the cup holder and there sank the cell phone....and by "the" cell phone I mean Brian's cell phone - whoops:) It made for a good laugh, mostly on my end. Brian said he has heard of a lot of things happening to cell phones but that was the first cell phone drowning in a chocolate milk shake that he had seen.
With it being Evan's birthday, I was happy but it is always funny when your kids have a birthday, especially as a female. While I love watching him get older and enjoy opening presents, it is kind of a reflective day. Mostly reflective of labor pains and actually having a baby. I guess these weird emotions made me feel impulsive annnnnnnd I dyed my hair today just because I could. Brian came home from school and my hair is a medium-dark brown again. My mom doesn't usually like when I dye it, and I don't think I mentioned to her yet that I dyed it soooo here is your notice mom, I dyed my hair:)
It is almost October, which means it is almost November, which means I get to go home for a visit...but who is keeping track of the days anyways? Can't wait to see the family again!